• 99.99% performance and uptime commitment
  • Software 100% copyright
  • Compatible with most current source code.
Home page / Web Hosting Service
web hosting toc do cao
Web Hosting High Speed
faster - cheaper
SSD Hosting va NVMe Hosting - 100% hosting tai BKHOST duoc trang bi o cung SSD va SSD NVMe
High Speed ​​Caching (NVMe) and Hard Drives (SSDs)
Up to 7X more capacity with NVMe SSD servers for high-volume websites.
cong nghe PHP OPCache
PHP files are executed once, then stored in memory up to 31% faster than server response time.
tai nguyen i/o ben vung, toc do cao
Sustainable I/O resources
Get large database queries faster and help prevent slow website loading — with 10MB/s I/O.

Price list to buy Hosting

BKHOST provides a variety of Hosting products to suit all usage needs.
  • Cheap Hosting
  • Hosting WordPress
  • Premium Hosting
  • Hosting Linux
  • Hosting Windows
Cheap Hosting
Pro 01
5.000 vnd
SSD capacity: 0.1 Gb ?
SSD hard drive for 10 times faster than HDD
Website number: 1
LiteSpeed ​​Webserver Enterprise technology is the latest outstanding website acceleration solution today. Helps increase server speed and scalability such as load balancers, caching solutions, etc. So it is an ideal hosting platform for serving WordPress based websites, Joomla and Drupal…
RAM: 0.5 Gb
Interface: cPanel

(*) Free SSL Certificate

Pro 02
25.000 vnd
Discount 30% Khuyen mai Hosting Linux Doanh Nghiep - goi Tiet Kiem

Longer registration - Deeper reduction

  • 1 year - 5% off
  • 2 years - 10% off
  • 3 years - 15% off
  • SSD capacity: 1 Gb ?
    SSD hard drive for 10 times faster than HDD
    Website number: 1
    LiteSpeed ​​Webserver Enterprise technology is the latest outstanding website acceleration solution today. Helps increase server speed and scalability such as load balancers, caching solutions, etc. So it is an ideal hosting platform for serving WordPress based websites, Joomla and Drupal…
    RAM: 1 Gb
    Backup / Scan Virus: Yes
    Interface: cPanel

    (*) Free SSL Certificate

    Pro 03
    39.000 vnd
    Discount 35% Khuyen mai Hosting Linux Doanh Nghiep - goi Tiet Kiem

    Longer registration - Deeper reduction

  • 1 year - 5% off
  • 2 years - 10% off
  • 3 years - 15% off
  • SSD capacity: 2 Gb ?
    SSD hard drive for 10 times faster than HDD
    Website number: 3
    LiteSpeed ​​Webserver Enterprise technology is the latest outstanding website acceleration solution today. Helps increase server speed and scalability such as load balancers, caching solutions, etc. So it is an ideal hosting platform for serving WordPress based websites, Joomla and Drupal…
    RAM: 1 Gb
    Backup / Scan Virus: Yes
    Interface: cPanel

    (*) Free SSL Certificate

    Pro 04
    69.000 vnd
    Discount 30% Khuyen mai Hosting Linux Doanh Nghiep - goi Tiet Kiem

    Longer registration - Deeper reduction

  • 1 year - 5% off
  • 2 years - 10% off
  • 3 years - 15% off
  • SSD capacity: 4 Gb ?
    SSD hard drive for 10 times faster than HDD
    Website number: 3
    LiteSpeed ​​Webserver Enterprise technology is the latest outstanding website acceleration solution today. Helps increase server speed and scalability such as load balancers, caching solutions, etc. So it is an ideal hosting platform for serving WordPress based websites, Joomla and Drupal…
    RAM: 2 Gb
    Backup / Scan Virus: Yes
    Interface: cPanel

    (*) Free SSL Certificate

    Pro 05
    99.000 vnd
    Discount 30% Khuyen mai Hosting Linux Doanh Nghiep - goi Tiet Kiem

    Longer registration - Deeper reduction

  • 1 year - 5% off
  • 2 years - 10% off
  • 3 years - 15% off
  • SSD Capacity: 6 Gb ?
    SSD hard drive for 10 times faster than HDD
    Website number: 5
    LiteSpeed ​​Webserver Enterprise technology is the latest outstanding website acceleration solution today. Helps increase server speed and scalability such as load balancers, caching solutions, etc. So it is an ideal hosting platform for serving WordPress based websites, Joomla and Drupal…
    RAM: 2 Gb
    Backup / Scan Virus: Yes
    Interface: cPanel

    (*) Free SSL Certificate

    Pro 06
    129.000 vnd
    Discount 30% Khuyen mai Hosting Linux Doanh Nghiep - goi Tiet Kiem

    Longer registration - Deeper reduction

  • 1 year - 5% off
  • 2 years - 10% off
  • 3 years - 15% off
  • SSD capacity: 10 Gb ?
    SSD hard drive for 10 times faster than HDD
    Website number: 7
    LiteSpeed ​​Webserver Enterprise technology is the latest outstanding website acceleration solution today. Helps increase server speed and scalability such as load balancers, caching solutions, etc. So it is an ideal hosting platform for serving WordPress based websites, Joomla and Drupal…
    RAM: 2 Gb
    Backup / Scan Virus: Yes
    Interface: cPanel

    (*) Free SSL Certificate

    Includes valuable themes and plugins1500$.
    Register for Hosting service
    Get all copyright themes and plugins: Rank Math SEO PRO, WP Rocket, Elementor Pro, WPML, WP Smush PRO...
    Register now

      You need to find


      We want to know what your needs are? We will help you choose the most suitable package.

      1. What is the website source code you are using?

      Open source code like PHP…ASP, ASP.NET source code…Don't know

      2. How many websites are you using ?

      1 website2 websitesMore than 2 pages

      BKHOST will contact you with the information you provide and it's completely free

      Contact - free consultation

      Consulting area:Ho Chi Minh cityHa Noi

      Content:New registrationExtend

      Ly do ban nen mua hosting tai BKHOST Viet Nam


      BKHOST always innovates with the most advanced technologies today, we are committed to bringing the best hosting products and services with the best experience to our customers.
      • Ha tang Cloud Hosting tot nhat

        Best Cloud Hosting infrastructure

        Cloud Hosting is equipped with a high-speed Enterprise SSD
      • Chuyen du lieu mien phi

        Free data transfer

        Support completely free data transfer from other providers to BKHOST
      • Cam ket hoan tien neu khong hai long

        Refund service after 5 days

        We guarantee 100% refund after 5 days according to the policy in "Section 2. Conditions apply" in “Refund Policy
      • he thong hosting cua BKHOST duoc trang bi cac cong nghe bao mat cao cap nhat hien nay, giup bao ve tuyet doi cho du lieu cua khach hang

        Data security

        Systems secured by Cloud Linux will prevent vulnerability attacks through Local Attack.
      • Ngan chan ma doc

        Prevent malicious code

        Automatically scan daily for malware with the "Imunify360 Anti-Malware" tool
      • Tu dong Backup du lieu hang ngay

        Daily backup

        Backup website data continuously in the last 14 days.
      • He thong canh bao Monitor

        Alarm System Monitor

        Cloud Hosting's active status alert for admin every 1 minute
      • Support 24/7

        Support 24/7

        BKHOST always has 24/7 service support by various channels.


      Detailed comparison table of differences between Web Hosting services
      Cheap HostingHosting WordPressPremium HostingHosting LinuxHosting Windows
      Storage driveSSDNVMeNVMeNVMeSSD
      Service ActivationAutomaticAutomaticAutomaticAutomaticAutomatic
      Match the source codePHPOptimized for WPPHPPHPPHP
      Supported PHP versionPHP 5.3 - 8.xPHP 5.3 - 8.xPHP 5.3 - 8.xPHP 5.3 - 8.xPHP 5.3 - 8.x
      Admin interfacecPanelcPanelcPanelcPanelcPanel
      Web serverLiteSpeed EnterpriseLiteSpeed EnterpriseLiteSpeed EnterpriseLiteSpeed EnterpriseWindows Server
      Ordered Ordered Ordered Ordered Ordered

      Frequently asked questions about hosting

      What is Web Hosting?

      Web Hosting is a service to store websites on a hosting server (of a hosting service provider). It makes the website accessible through the internet. Some commonly used callings on the internet for hosting services are: WebHost, Webhosting, Web Hosting, Website Hosting,... You can find out more details here: What is Hosting ?

      How does hosting work?

      The hosting server (managed and maintained by the hosting provider) is responsible for providing an environment for websites to operate stably and to ensure that it is always accessible to users via the internet.

      • After buying web hosting, you will be provided with a hosting administrator account (you access the hosting management page, which will have the configuration parameters of your hosting package such as: capacity, bandwidth, . ..).
      • Next, you will need to upload the website files to your hosting and configure the domain name parameters for the website.
      • You can also manage and update your website through the hosting management page.
      • The hosting server will run and manage the website's data files, allowing the website to be accessible over the internet.
      • The hosting provider performs the tasks related to server management and maintenance, software updates, load control, security, customer care, technical support, and any customer inquiries. goods as well as arising incidents.

      How is WebHost classified?

      Website Hosting can be classified according to many different criteria, of which some of the most common are:

      What is Cloud Hosting?

      Cloud hosting is a type of WebHosting that uses cloud computing technology to provide hosting services. In cloud hosting, server resources are stored on a cloud server system and can be used remotely from any point in the world. You can learn more details here: What is cloud hosting?

      What are the advantages of cloud hosting?

      Cloud hosting has many advantages over other types of hosting, including:

      • Easy Upgrade: Cloud hosting provides the ability to increase or decrease server resources easily according to need, making resource allocation and management more flexible.
      • Automatic error protection: Cloud hosting can provide high security features and automatic error protection, making the website stable and automatically restored after it is available. problem.
      • High stability: Cloud hosting uses multiple cloud servers for each website, making the website more stable and reducing the risk of problems on a single server.
      • Lower costs: With cloud hosting, you only pay for the resources you really need, reducing costs compared to other forms of hosting.
      • Remote Accessibility: You can access and manage your cloud hosting server resources remotely, from any location in the world.

      What is the difference between Shared Hosting and VPS Hosting?

      Shared Hosting and VPS Hosting are two different types of hosting. In there:

      • With Shared Hosting, a server is shared among many customers, and all of those customers use the same server resources. You can find out more details here: What is Shared Hosting?
      • And VPS Hosting allows each customer to use a separate part of the server with separate resources and is not limited by other customers. You can find out more details here: What is VPS?

      So VPS Hosting provides more resources and higher security than Shared Hosting.

      What is SSD Hosting?

      SSD Hosting is a type of hosting that uses an SSD (Solid State Drive). You can learn more details here: What is SSD Hosting?

      SSD Hosting has many advantages over hosting using a regular HDD. Include:

      • Speed: SSDs have higher read/write speeds than HDDs, making websites faster and more efficient.
      • Durability: SSD is more durable than HDD, withstands more loads and is less likely to fail.
      • Capacity: Although SSDs cost more than HDDs, they can be purchased with larger capacities.
      • Energy Saving: SSD is more energy efficient than HDD because it does not need a fan for cooling.

      At BKHOST, 100% of hosting products are equipped with SSD hard drives and NVMe SSDs.

      What is NVMe Hosting?

      SSD NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express) is a new and more advanced type of electronic storage technology compared to traditional storage technology. NVMe is a network protocol that allows faster access to SSD flash memory by using the PCI Express interface instead of the SATA or SAS interface.

      NVMe Hosting is a type of hosting equipped with SSD flash memory with NVMe protocol to store data and take advantage of higher speeds than traditional types of hosting. This means faster data retrieval and data read/write speeds, resulting in faster website performance and better performance. You can find out more details here: What is NVMe Hosting?

      What is hosting capacity?

      Hosting capacity is the maximum amount of storage that a hosting account can use to store a website's files, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript files, images, videos,... The amount of hosting is usually gigabytes (GB). Learn more about hosting capacity here: What is Disk Space?

      How much hosting capacity is enough?

      The amount of disk space you need will depend on your needs.

      • If you just need a basic website with a small number of images, then about 1GB of hosting space will suffice.
      • If you need a website with a lot of content and images, videos, media, etc. At this point, you will need a larger capacity.

      At BKHOST, by default, the hosting service packages have been set up with a fixed amount of space. However, you can completely expand the capacity according to your needs whenever you want.

      What is the bandwidth of website hosting?

      Bandwidth (Vietnamese called Bandwidth) is the amount of data that a server or network can transmit or receive in a certain period of time.

      In hosting, bandwidth means the amount of data your website can download or upload from the hosting server in a given period of time (usually 1 month). You can find out more details here: What is Bandwidth?

      Bandwidth is measured in bytes or bits and is usually limited to hosting plans. However, at BKHOST, all hosting packages have unlimited Bandwidth.

      What is database on hosting?

      Database (Vietnamese called Database) is a collection of data files (data).

      In hosting, a database is often used to store data of a website, such as user information, articles, products, etc. Database management tools, such as PHPMyAdmin or cPanel, can be used to manage and query data in the database.

      What is the relationship between Hosting and Domain?

      Hosting and domain have a close relationship. Domain is the address of a website on the internet, for example 'example.com', while hosting is where the website is stored and run. You can learn more details here: Relationship between domains and hosting.

      In order for your website to be accessible from anywhere via the internet, you must have both a domain and hosting. First, you will need domain registration. The next thing is to associate that domain name with hosting.

      In short, to understand in the simplest way about the relationship between domain and hosting, you should consider a website as a house, then, domain is the address of the house, and hosting is the land on which that house is built. erect.

      How to connect domain name and hosting?

      To link domain and hosting, there are two easiest ways to help you do it:

      • Point the domain name to the hosting server's nameserver.
      • Or point the domain name to the ip address of the hosting server.

      You can see details on how to do it here: How to point domain to hosting.

      What is a good web hosting?

      A good web hosting product needs to ensure the following factors:

      • Website access speed is fast. Ideally under 3 seconds.
      • Sufficient storage capacity.
      • Broadband (all hosting packages at BKHOST are unlimited bandwidth).
      • Good load capacity (load capacity is an indicator of the system's strength when there are a large number of users accessing the website at the same time).
      • Good security.
      • Good backups. Learn more: What is Backup?

      Why should I rent hosting at a Vietnamese hosting provider?

      There are many reasons that you should choose to rent hosting at a Vietnamese hosting service provider:

      • Better access speed: Due to the data center located in Vietnam, the website access speed for users in Vietnam is always better than hosting with a data center located abroad ( Learn more: What is a data center?). In addition, even at times when the internet cable breaks internationally, you can still be completely assured of the traffic coming from domestic users.
      • Reasonable cost: Hosting providers in Vietnam often have more reasonable hosting prices than international hosting providers.
      • Vietnamese support: Of course, if you choose a foreign hosting provider, you may encounter a big barrier in language communication.
      • Avoid troubles related to the laws of the host country: It is still easier to comply with Vietnamese laws than with international and host country laws.

      What is special about Hosting service at BKHOST Vietnam?

      As the leading reputable hosting service provider in Vietnam, BKHOST with the motto ''Faster - Cheaper'' and ''Support is number 1'' ', we are committed to bringing you the best hosting solutions:

      • Faster: BKHOST always updates and applies the latest technologies to the server system, upgrades hardware, software,... Therefore, the hosting packages at BKHOST are always achieve high speed and stability.
      • Cheaper: You can see details hosting price list - with lots Hosting product packages have different configurations and prices, making it easy for you to choose the right one for your needs. In particular, BKHOST is committed to bringing you hosting services at a price that is always cheaper than the common ground in the market.
      • Support is number 1: 24/7 support by phone, email, online support, helping customers solve problems quickly.

      I want to rent hosting but don't know which hosting package to choose?

      To choose the best hosting package for your needs, please refer to the following suggestions:

      • If your website is just starting out and doesn't have much traffic, you can choose Cheap Hosting .
      • If your website needs more resources, you should consider choosing Premium Hosting packages.
      • Alternatively, if your website is WordPress, you can use Hosting WordPress.
      • If your website is built on PHP programming language, you should choose Hosting Linux.
      • If your website is built on ASP.net programming language, then Hosting Windows will be the most suitable.

      Note further that, before choosing a hosting package, you should consider other factors such as: resource needs, scalability of your website, and compare with different hosting packages to find out. The most suitable hosting package.

      If you still have questions and have not made a decision, please contact BKHOST's Service Advisory for the best advice.

      Can I get a free domain name when I buy hosting at BKHOST?

      BKHOST has a domain name promotion policy for customers who register for hosting services. You can contact the Service Advisory department of BKHOST for the fastest advice.

      On the other hand, if you already have a domain name or have registered a domain name at any other domain name registrar, as long as you register hosting at BKHOST, we will still support you to point your domain name to hosting completely. totally free.

      In addition, if you want both your domain and hosting in the same place for easy management, BKHOST will also support you to transfer your domain name to BKHOST completely free of charge.

      After registering for hosting at BKHOST, how long do I have to wait before I can access my hosting?

      As soon as you receive the notification email ''You have successfully registered the hosting package at BKHOST'' you can use your hosting. In the email content, there will also be information about the hosting's IP address for you to configure to point the domain name to your hosting.

      Do I need technical knowledge to use BKHOST Hosting?

      Are not. All hosting product packages at BKHOST are pre-installed with professional management software, with a very intuitive interface and extremely easy to understand and use.

      Even if you encounter any difficulties, BKHOST experts are always available 24/7 to assist you in handling them as quickly as possible.

      Can I upgrade my hosting plan?

      In the process of using the hosting service at BKHOST, you can completely submit an upgrade request to a higher hosting package whenever you want. Payment covers the difference only.

      In addition, you can also request a separate upgrade for each type of hardware, such as CPU, Ram, Disk Space...

      What is hosting service renewal?

      When renting hosting, you will have time to use for the hosting package you register (eg 12 months). After this period, you will need to extend it for another period of time to be able to continue using that hosting package.

      Can I install a WordPress website on BKHOST Hosting?

      Of course okay. With 1-click WordPress feature built-in on BKHOST's WordPress Hosting server, you can install WordPress website quickly and extremely easily.

      Can I install ASP/ ASP.NET website on BKHOST Hosting?

      Absolutely OK! In addition to dedicated Linux Hosting types for PHP/MYSQL websites. BKHOST also provides Hosting Windows - A dedicated Hosting product for websites using ASP/ ASP source code. NET.

      Does BKHOST Hosting limit the number of website visitors at the same time?

      Hosting BKHOST is completely unlimited on the number of visitors at the same time to your website.

      However, you need to be aware of the hardware limitations of the hosting package you are using, such as CPU, RAM and Entry Process, etc.

      In addition, because each website is programmed differently, the optimization and use of resources are different. Therefore, it is not possible to guarantee the maximum number of visitors your website can accommodate.

      • If your website is well optimized, using less resources, it will be able to accommodate a larger number of concurrent visitors.
      • On the contrary, if your website is not well optimized, the number of concurrent visitors may not be much.

      Is the data on my website hosting backed up regularly?

      BKHOST ensures the safety of your data by automatically backing up your data daily, weekly, and monthly.

      In addition, if you wish, you also have the option of proactive data recovery by submitting a request. BKHOST is always available 24/7 to support you in the fastest way.

      If Hosting at BKHOST does not guarantee quality, can I get a refund?

      BKHOST has a refund policy if you are not satisfied. You can view details of BKHOST's refund policy here.

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