Transfer domain name to BKHOST

Transfer domain name to BKHOST to be manipulated and managed in the most convenient way.

Transfer domain la gi? What is vendor switching?

  • icon-listTransfer Domain is the procedure of changing the registrar as well as the management unit of your domain name.
  • icon-listWhen transferring domain names to BKHOST, you will be completely satisfied with our fast, secure and reliable management system.

icon-transfer Note when switching domains

International Domain Names
  • icon-listYou check the domain name is not locked (active state domain).
  • icon-listThe domain name is still valid for more than 30 days.
  • icon-listYou ask your previous domain registrar to provide an Authorization Key.
  • icon-listYou must check the domain administrator email to confirm the transfer.
  • icon-listPay the domain name renewal fee for one more year.
  • icon-listProvided with Password & Control panel to manage domain names.
  • icon-listProactively track conversions until the conversion is complete.
  • icon-listFull support for changing records for free through Control panel https://id.bkhost .vn
Vietnamese Domain
  • icon-listThe domain name is still valid for more than 30 days.
  • icon-listThe domain name registered after 60 days can be transferred to another registrar.
  • icon-listAsk the old Registrar to unlock the domain and provide the domain authentication code (authencode).
  • icon-listProvide authencode information and the registrar's conversion declaration with the subject's certification to BKHOST.
  • icon-listSubmit the registrar conversion form to BKHOST for conversion procedures. Get a record of receipt of the application.
  • icon-listProactively track conversions until the conversion is complete.
  • icon-listProvided with Password & Control panel to manage domain names.
  • icon-listFull support for changing records for free through Control panel https://id.bkhost .vn
  • icon-listDownload individual registrar transition declaration Here
  • icon-listDownload registrar transition declaration form for organization Here
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