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Home page / Announce the website to the Ministry of Industry and Trade
You must register the website
With the Ministry of Industry and Trade?
businesses "PENSE" every year for not registering their website with the Ministry of Industry and Trade
Notification profile - registration performed “FAIL” when self-executing.
what helps your business prepare?
  • Evaluate and classify websites accurately based on regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade
  • Advise you to prepare accurate and valid documents
  • Help you implement procedures and processes to achieve the best and fastest results
Benefits of notification – website registration with the Ministry of Industry and Trade
Come to BKHOST. We'll help you!
  • Improve the reputation of the website
    Webbite with the Ministry's logo is often appreciated for its quality, creating trust among customers.
  • Rebranding
    Owning a website that has been notified to the Ministry of Industry and Trade will help build a reliable image and improve competitiveness for competitors.
  • Eliminate the risk of being penalized
    Complying with website notification regulations can help your website enter a safe zone and eliminate the risk of administrative penalties
  • Comply with the provisions of the Law
    All websites operating in the field of e-commerce need to notify or register with the Ministry of Industry and Trade
Price list
announcement – ​​web registration with the Ministry of Industry and Trade
  • Gói Website
    giới thiệu
    • Website introducing the company, goods, services, ... has the function of ordering
    • Working time: 12-15 days?
    • Consultant: Registration procedure
    • Technical support: Embed the Ministry of Industry and Trade's logo on the Website
    • Handover: Admin account
  • Website
    bán hàng
    • For websites to carry out trade promotion and self-advertise and sell their own products
    • Logo icon: Blue?
    • Working time: 12-15 days
    • Consultant: Registration procedure
    • Technical support: Attach the logo of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on the Website
    • Handover: Admin account
  • Website
    Thương mại điện tử
    • For websites related to e-commerce floors, auction pages, public promotional information
    • Logo icon: Red?
    • Working time: 25 - 30 days
    • Consultant: Registration procedure
    • Technical support: Attach the logo of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on the Website
    • Handover: Admin account
announce the website to the Ministry of Industry and Trade
Necessary procedures for implementation:
  • Certificate of Business Registration | Investment Certificate | Investment License
  • Decision on establishment (for organizations) Decision on establishment of enterprises (for organizations)
  • Certificate of business household registration (for individuals)…
  • And some other documents depending on your service industry
  • For example: Certificate of food hygiene and safety, License to distribute functional foods, License to travel
Declaration steps
Completion time 3 days
Step 1
Customers provide website information for BKHOST
Customers need to provide complete information as below:
Website owner information
  • Name of unit/individual, head office address of unit (individual's permanent address), phone number/fax/email...
  • Certificate of Business Registration/Establishment Decision/Personal Tax Identification Number....issue date.....issuance place.
Update the content of the pages on the registration website
  • Privacy policy
  • Payment policy
  • Shipping policy (Refund policy, change room)
  • Terms and condition
Step 2
Register and confirm your account
BKHOST conducts full registration of customer information with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and has a confirmation email sent to the customer within 3 working days.
Step 3
Registering Website Notification with the Ministry of Industry and Trade
After the registered account is confirmed, BKHOST proceeds to complete the application at the request of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Step 4
Profile Review
Within 3 working days, the application will be reviewed, if the application is missing, an additional notice will be received.
Step 5
Attach the Logo announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade on the website
The application is approved successfully, BKHOST will attach the logo on the website within 5 working days.

Frequently asked questions

1. Website needs to notify the Ministry of Industry and Trade

a. E-commerce websites are set up by traders, organizations and individuals themselves to serve their trade promotion activities, goods sale or service provision.

b. Even if you don't sell online, you only need to have trade promotion activities such as advertising products and services, introducing images, information, etc., which are also classified as sales e-commerce websites.

c. According to Section 8, Article 3 of Decree 52, e-commerce website (hereinafter referred to as website) is an electronic information page set up to serve part or the whole process of goods purchase and sale activities. or provide services, from displaying and introducing goods and services to entering into contracts, providing services, making payments and providing after-sales services.

d. Therefore, websites that only introduce the Company, or services, or goods without the function of ordering or paying online, must still notify the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Sales mobile application: is an e-commerce application on mobile devices set up by traders, organizations or individuals to serve their trade promotion activities, goods sale or service provision. .

2. Why Notice - Register Website with the Ministry of Industry and Trade?

a. Comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade:

  • i. According to Decree No. 52/2013/ND-CP issued on May 16, 2013, Circular No. 47/2014/TT-BCT issued on December 5, 2014, and Decree No. 185/2013/ND-CP regulations on sanctioning administrative violations in commercial activities... issued on November 15, 2013, requiring all websites operating in the field of e-commerce to notify or register with the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

b. Mobile application providing e-commerce services

  • i. For the website, upon successful notification and registration, the seller will attach a logo leading to a confirmation link on the page of the Ministry of Industry and Trade that the website has been successfully registered and notified. This will help users feel secure to participate, trust in using and support the utility services on the website for a long time, improving the reputation of the website for sellers. Customers are not afraid of encountering ghost companies, or the wrong address. Maintaining customer trust is one of the important things to affirm the prestigious brand that businesses have worked so hard to build.

3. Website needs to be registered with the Ministry of Industry and Trade

a. Websites providing e-commerce services: are e-commerce websites set up by traders or organizations to provide an environment for other traders, organizations and individuals to conduct commercial activities.

b. Websites providing e-commerce services include:

  • i. E-commerce trading floors: are websites that allow users to post classifieds, buy and sell, exchange (chotot.vn) or create an online store (enbac.com, ...) or agents. user interface for selling goods and collecting service fees (not buying and selling outright).
  • ii. Online promotion website: Online promotion website is an e-commerce website set up by a trader or organization to conduct sales promotion for goods and services of other traders, organizations or individuals according to the following terms and conditions. of the promotional service contract. Example: Hotdeal.vn
  • iii. Online auction website: is an e-commerce website that provides solutions allowing traders, organizations and individuals who are not website owners to organize auctions for their goods on it.

c. Mobile application providing e-commerce services: is an e-commerce application on mobile devices set up by traders or organizations to provide an environment for other traders, organizations and individuals to conduct business activities. commercial activities, including e-commerce exchange applications, online auction applications and online promotional applications. Example: VinID

4. Distinguishing Green Logo and Red Logo when Announcement - Register Website with the Ministry of Industry and Trade?

a. Blue Logo icon: for websites that conduct trade promotion and self-advertise and sell their own company's goods. For example: Bkhost.vn,...

b. Red Logo icon: for websites related to e-commerce platforms, auction and promotion pages. Here, website owners create an exchange, an "online marketplace", a hub to connect buyers and sellers. The website owner will not sell the goods but manage the transaction activity. For example: shopee.vn, lazada.vn,...

5. When to Announce - Register Website with the Ministry of Industry and Trade?

a. Notice: Traders or businesses need to quickly notify the website to the Ministry of Industry and Trade as soon as the website is designed.

b. Registration: For website sales registration with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, sellers should complete the registration procedure before allowing the website to conduct commercial activities in case of being detected and severely fined.

6. How long does it take to notify and register?

a. Registration time will depend on each website, usually from 1 week to 3 weeks.

7. Penalty fee when the website does not notify - Register with the Ministry of Industry and Trade?

a. Individuals and traders who commit violations may be fined from VND 1,000,000 to VND 30,000,000, depending on the seriousness of the violation.

8. I run a small business; Does personal business need to notify the Ministry of Industry and Trade?

a. Yes, according to current regulations, everyone who has a business on the internet, whether it is an individual or an organization, a small business or a large-scale individual business household, must declare their website to the Ministry. Industry and Trade in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law.

9. I am a foreigner, do I need to declare to the Ministry of Industry and Trade?

a. Yes, if your website does business in the territory of Vietnam.

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