Domain .WIN

Towards the glory of victory with the .WIN . domain name
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icon-brand-bkhost Meaning of .WIN DOMAIN

In political events or sports, the highest goal people aim for is always victory or champion. Domain .WIN is meant for those who strive to win in any field.

Now, video games are no longer handheld consoles, but with the development of the internet, video games have grown widely. It has now grown into an electronic format that attracts hundreds of millions of players and viewers around the world. Video games are becoming a huge multi-billion dollar revenue and growing industry. The future may surpass the film industry or the music industry. Every recent eSports tournament event attracts tens of millions of viewers. Not only on the internet, e-sports have encroached on a number of popular cable channels such as ESPN2.

That is why the best players in e-sports are also becoming famous as singers and actors in the entertainment industry. Domain .WIN represents the best players in their game. .WIN will create a solid foundation for online culture in general and is the fastest way to find the best in the online video game industry.

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Domain .win co the lam gi?

Domain Name
.WIN Can do more than you think ?

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Domain .WIN isn't just for the best of gamers, anyone can sign up. From tournament sponsors, game development companies, forums… can choose Domain .WIN. A .WIN Domain will attract attention to attract players to your website or blog if you offer a lot of good things so they can level up.
LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL .WIN domains are waiting for you
BKHOST There is a great discount program for new registered customers domain name service. Check out and sign up today to protect your brand on the internet.

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Frequently asked questions

1. What is the minimum term for .WIN domain name registration?

At BKHOST, .WIN domain names are sold from 1 to 10 years. And the longer you use it, the more likely you are to save money. So, if there is a need for long-term website development, sign up for as long as you like and grow from there.

2. What is the regulation on characters when registering .WIN domain names?

Standard domain name length:
  • Minimum 1 character and maximum 63 characters including .WIN
  • Start with a letter or number and end with a letter and number.
  • Only characters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and dashes (-) are allowed, or a combination of all three.
  • Does not start or end with a dash character.
  • Does not contain spaces (Example: www.ab

3. How to renew .WIN domain name?

You just need to access the domain management system  > Renew (number of years) > Payment.

4. How long does it take for me to renew my .WIN domain name?

The maximum time for you to renew your .WIN domain name is 40 days from the expiration date. But if you renew in which the first 30 days you can renew normally, the next 10 days you will have to renew at a higher price (price varies by time level). See more domain lifecycle here:
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.WIN . domain life cycle

5. How can I manage the .WIN domain that I have registered?

BKHOST provides an account and an online domain name management system whereby you can point your domain name to hosting, change DNS, configure email... To help you manage your domain name, we always send your account information. to your email address every time you register a new domain name. You can also visit website to log in to manage your .WIN domain name.

6. Which agency manages the .WIN domain name?

Verisign Company - USA is currently the top-level international domain name manager, including the .WIN domain name.

7. I would like to understand clearly about .WIN domain name disputes & What is the Policy on Specific Domain Names?

All issues about domain name disputes and domain name policy, please find out here:
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