Unleash your inner creativity and share it with the world with a .CC . domain name
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icon-brand-bkhost Origin and Meaning of .CC domain names

  • icon-listThe domain .CC is the domain name representing the Coco Islands in the Indian Ocean, the domain name was born in 1997. This is an archipelago with only about 600 people but has a lot of coral and wild natural scenery. like paradise. So Coco Island attracts a lot of tourists every year.
  • icon-listCurrently, CC is further understood as Creative Community: There are many professions that require creativity such as fashion designer, story writer, or composer. Each profession requires different skills, but they all want to bring their works to the masses. They always make a difference from the smallest things, so even if they choose a domain name, they often don't go the traditional way. That's why the meaning of the .CC creative community domain name was born. This is an exceptionally short, memorable and outstanding domain name.
Nguon goc va y nghia domain .cc
Domain .cc dai dien cho nhieu y tuong tuyet voi

.CC represents many great ideas

But you don't have to be creative to use the .CC domain. Because of the fact that CC stands for many other meanings such as:
  • icon-listCommunity Centers
  • icon-listCountry Clubs
  • icon-listCarpet Cleaners
  • icon-listCatholic Charities
  • icon-listConsulting Companies
  • icon-listCity Councils
  • icon-listCybercafes (Internet Store)
  • icon-listCar Clubs

icon-brand-bkhost CC means Completely Crazy
Why not?

  • icon-listAnd there are many ideas that are combined from the name .CC, although a bit crazy, but very unique, all can express your own personality. Want to create a blog about cats with funny actions? Choose Cat Circus with .CC. Do you like Brie and Limburger? .CC will be the option for Cheese Corner. Want to make a small craft nest for butterflies? Think Caterpillar Condos from the .CC domain
  • icon-list Ours Does it give you too many ideas? Use the .CC domain name to express your creativity. You can think of many different ways to express yourself.
  • icon-list But it doesn't have to be the name of a group or business, your industry must be the first 2 Cs to use the CC domain name. When you can't own the number 1 priority domain name like .com, you can completely choose a .CC domain name because you like the brevity. unique and different, easy to remember of this domain name. Be quick to own when you have a purpose with your domain name.
You can refer to the program buy cheap domain at BKHOST with extremely deep discounts for many types of Vietnamese and International domain names. Sign up today! Hurry, don't let your competitors lose your brand on the internet.

icon-brand-bkhost Domain .CC

1. How long is the minimum .CC domain name registration period?

At BKHOST, .CC domain names are sold from 1 to 10 years. And the longer you use it, the more likely you are to save money. So, if there is a need for long-term website development, sign up for as long as you like and grow from there.

2. What is the regulation on characters when registering .CC domain names?

Standard domain name length:
  • Minimum 1 character and maximum 63 characters including .CC
  • Start with a letter or number and end with a letter and number.
  • Only characters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and dashes (-) are allowed, or a combination of all three.
  • Does not start or end with a dash character.
  • No spaces (Example: www.ab cd.cc).

3. How to renew .CC domain name?

You just need to access the domain management system  > Renew (number of years) > Payment.

4. How long does it take for me to renew my .CC domain?

The maximum time for you to renew your .CC domain name is 40 days from the expiration date. But if you renew in which the first 30 days you can renew normally, the next 10 days you will have to renew at a higher price (price varies with time level). See more domain lifecycle here:
vòng đời tên miền quốc tế
.CC domain life cycle

5. How can I manage the .CC domain that I have registered?

BKHOST provides an account and an online domain name management system whereby you can point your domain name to hosting, change DNS, configure email... To help you manage your domain name, we always send your account information. to your email address every time you register a new domain name. You can also visit BKHOST.vn website to log in to manage your .CC domain name.

6. Which agency administers the .CC domain name?

Verisign Company - USA is currently the manager of international top-level domain names including .CC domain names.

7. I would like to understand the .CC domain name dispute & What is the Specific Domain Name Policy?

All issues about domain name disputes and domain name policy, please find out here:
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