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icon-brand-bkhost What is a .COM domain name? meaning?

  • .COM is the type of international first-level domain name (gTLD) that is the most commonly used in the world. Companies or organizations with activities in the field of business and commerce often choose Domain This is for website development.
  • COM is an abbreviation of the word commercial or company.
  • The domain name .COM was born in January 1985 along with other first-level domains such as .org, .net, .edu,…
  • Currently, the domain name .COM is granted and managed by the International Domain Name Management Center - Verisign Company, USA.
Ten mien .com la gi? Co y nghia nhu the nao?

icon-brand-bkhost Why .COM domain name is the first choice?

.COM domain name is currently the most popular

Websites with .com domain names often create trust for users in the browser, on forums or social networks compared to other unfamiliar domain names. Therefore, the popularity of the .com domain name brings a sense of prestige and professionalism to websites. Here are the statistics about this domain:
  • Over the past 30 years there have been more than 120 million domain names registered globally, and this number continues to grow every day.
  • 100% of the world's largest and fastest growing businesses use a .com domain name for their main website.
  • 95% of .com domain combinations of 5 characters or less are available for registration.
  • 23 million times/day is the number of successful .com domain availability checks
  • 13 percent of daily .com signups are 5 to 6 characters long.

Cheaper than many other domain names

Compared to many other types of domain names, .com domain names are much cheaper. In addition, the .com domain name registration procedure is also relatively simple and fast.

icon-brand-bkhost 3 experiences to help you choose a .COM domain perfect

BKHOST There are tons of .com domains available for you to choose from right now. Some tips below will help you easily own a beautiful and reasonable domain name.

Short and easy to remember

Your website will have a higher score if you choose a .com domain name with a length of only 5 to 6 characters. BKHOST is always available more than 90% of such domain names.

Keywords play an important role

If you want your website to be recognized by Google faster and rank high in search results then keywords should be the top priority. So the domain name should revolve around your main keyword. If you choose a good domain name keyword, it will bring you more traffic.

Creativity is the key

Choose a website domain name that can always stay in the customer's mind. Choosing meaningful or popular short words or phrases will help your website a lot.
LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL .COM Domains are waiting for you

icon-brand-bkhost Domain .COM

1. What is the minimum term for .COM domain name registration?

At BKHOST, .COM domain names are sold from 1 to 10 years. And the longer you use it, the more likely you are to save money. So, if there is a need for long-term website development, sign up for as long as you like and grow from there.

2. What is the regulation on characters when registering .COM domain names?

Standard domain name length:
  • Minimum 1 character and maximum 63 characters including .COM
  • Start with a letter or number and end with a letter and number.
  • Only characters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and dashes (-) are allowed, or a combination of all three.
  • Does not start or end with a dash character.
  • Does not contain spaces (Example: www.ab

3. How to renew .COM domain name?

You just need to access the domain management system  > Renew (number of years) > Payment.

4. How long does it take for me to renew my .COM domain name?

The maximum time for you to renew your .COM domain name is 40 days from the expiration date. But if you renew in which the first 30 days you can renew normally, the next 10 days you will have to renew at a higher price (price varies by time level). See more domain lifecycle here:
Vong doi ten mien quoc te
.COM domain lifecycle

5. How can I manage the .COM domain that I have registered?

BKHOST provides an account and an online domain name management system whereby you can point your domain name to hosting, change DNS, configure email... To help you manage your domain name, we always send your account information. to your email address every time you register a new domain name. You can also access website to log in to manage your .COM domain name.

6. Which agency manages .COM domain names?

Verisign Company - United States is currently the manager of international top-level domain names including .COM domain names.

7. I would like to understand clearly about .COM domain name disputes & What is the Policy on Specific Domain Names?

All issues about domain name disputes and domain name policy, please find out here:
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