.ME Domain

Freely express yourself with .ME . domain name
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icon-brand-bkhost Domain .ME what is it?

When it first appeared, the .ME domain represented the country of Montenegro. But due to the potential of needing a domain name with a personal touch, .ME was approved for general use by ICANN. Domain .ME is an opportunity for people to express their ego on the internet. Get your hands on .ME to express your opinion and let everyone know the amazing things you are doing on the internet.
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A place to create a personal address for you

You can combine your name with .ME or use a pseudonym, but you have created yourself a personal address on the internet. Use this site to showcase your charismatic online personality.

Call to action right in the domain name

Generate more interactions when the .ME domain can help you directly engage customers by creating a call to action right in your brand name.

icon-brand-bkhost Why should you own domain .ME ?

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.ME is where you express yourself

When it first appeared, the .ME domain attracted thousands of designers, developers, students, tech-savvy people... They opened their online home to express themselves and their talents to the world. gender.
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Many large companies are also using .ME

Currently, the .ME domain has reached nearly one million registered individuals and businesses around the world. Including the biggest brands in the world, in Vietnam there is a social networking site zalo that owns the domain name "dot" ME.
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.ME has applied globally

Originally .ME was the official TLD of Montenegro, but now, wherever you are, you can register ME "dots" domain names. That means .ME is universal and you can SEO like any other popular domain name.
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.ME is still building its reputation

With a personal imprint, the .ME domain is always checked every day to check for wrong user behavior, ensuring the .ME domain will always carry out its mission to keep users safe and continue to build credibility. credit.
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Short, simple and easy to remember domain name

Make an impression on customers right from the start with an attractive, easy-to-remember domain name with a personal touch. Because not everyone has the patience to read a long description of you or your company on a website. Express yourself right in the domain name!
BKHOST is having the biggest promotion of the year for customers who register new domain name services. Let's check domain beautiful for your website today, do not hesitate lest your competitors lose your brand on the internet.

icon-transfer Domain .ME
Frequently asked questions

1. What is the minimum term for .ME domain name registration?

At BKHOST, .ME domain names are sold from 1 to 10 years. And the longer you use it, the more likely you are to save money. So, if there is a need for long-term website development, sign up for as long as you like and grow from there.

2. What is the regulation on characters when registering .ME domain names?

Standard domain name length:
  • Minimum 1 character and maximum 63 characters including .ME
  • Start with a letter or number and end with a letter and number.
  • Only characters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and dashes (-) are allowed, or a combination of all three.
  • Does not start or end with a dash character.
  • Does not contain spaces (Example: www.ab cd.me).

3. How to renew .ME domain name?

You just need to access the domain management system  > Renew (number of years) > Payment.

4. How long does it take for me to renew my .ME domain?

The time for you to renew the .ME domain name is up to 40 days from the expiration date. But if you renew in which the first 30 days you can renew normally, the next 10 days you will have to renew at a higher price (price varies with time level). See more domain lifecycle here:
vòng đời tên miền quốc tế
.ME domain life cycle

5. How can I manage the .ME domain that I have registered?

BKHOST provides an account and an online domain name management system whereby you can point your domain name to hosting, change DNS, configure email... To help you manage your domain name, we always send your account information. to your email address every time you register a new domain name. You can also visit BKHOST.vn website to log in to manage your .ME domain name.

6. Which agency administers the .ME domain name?

Verisign Company - USA is currently the manager of international top-level domain names including .ME domain names.

7. I would like to understand the .ME domain name dispute & What is the Specific Domain Name Policy?

All issues about domain name disputes and domain name policy, please find out here:
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