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Home page / Privacy policy
BKHOST we always respect the privacy of our customers and are committed to protecting your personal information. The term "personal information" is understood to include your name, address, email address, telephone number or any other personal information you provide, or any information about you collected under current legislation. Below we will help you understand what personal information we collect, and how we use it afterwards.
1. Declare when using
All content you view on the website is intended to serve your information needs and help you select services. Therefore, you can use the website without providing any personal information. However, in some cases, in connection with service registration, we may ask you to provide personal information.
3. Supply to other units
BKHost may use some other units to provide products or services to you. We also need to exchange your personal information with these units in order for them to complete your request. These entities are also not allowed to use your personal information for other purposes and we also require them to follow the privacy policy when providing services.
BKHost is not allowed to allow the Third Party to access, retrieve or perform any operation indirectly or directly on the server providing the service or the customer's server, except as required. from competent authorities under Vietnamese law.
4. Record browser information
From time to time, information may be put on your computer to help us improve our website or improve our service to you. This information is commonly known as "cookies", which many websites are also currently using. "Cookies" are pieces of information that are stored on your computer's hard disk or browser, not on a website. They allow to collect some information about your computer such as IP address, operating system, browser mode and addresses of related websites.
If you do not want to receive these cookies, or would like to be notified when these cookies are placed, you can set your browser to do this if your browser supports it. Please note, if you turn off receiving cookies, you will not be able to access or use certain features on the website that are not specified in advance. We are not intentionally restricting your use in this situation, this is only limited to programming and website building.
6. Information via E-mail
When you sign up for the service, the e-mail address you provide will be used as a means of communication with you. First of all, please make sure that you provide an e-mail address that is useful to you during the use of the service.
We may send confidential information via e-mail or receive your support request. In the event that you no longer use the provided e-mail, you must notify us of this change.
For your protection, BKHost may temporarily stop accepting requests via the e-mail you provided if it detects fraud or unusual information – until we contact you to confirm.
9. Off-site links
This website may contain links to other websites placed for the purpose of introducing or supplementing relevant information for your reference. BKHost is not responsible for the content or behavior of any other website.
2. Personal information provided by you
When you provide the necessary information, we will use it to respond to your request, or we may contact you by letter, email, text message or phone; or in compliance with applicable laws, use the above means to introduce you to new products, services or promotions from BKHost. By providing information to us through this website, you understand and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of the above personal information for some of the purposes set forth in this site.
You fully agree and accept that the personal information you provide when using the website may be kept at the head office or branch of BKHost, may be stored on some existing servers or not. foreknowledge for the purpose of operating and developing BKHost's website and services.
If you order a product, request a service or submit feedback on the website, we may contact you to obtain additional information necessary to process or complete your order and / or your request. However, we will not provide this information to a third party without your permission, except as required by applicable law or as necessary to process the order (e.g. : register with VNNIC, resolve disputes).
BKHost is committed to protecting your privacy, not buying and selling your personal information to other companies for promotional purposes.
5. Safety
When programming the website, we may put in place commercially reasonable laws to prevent illegal access and improper use of your personal information submitted to BKHost through use of this website. If this website supports online transactions, it will apply a technology standard called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), to protect the confidentiality and safety of data transmission.
As there is always a risk involved in providing personal data, whether provided in person, by phone or over the internet, or through other technical means; and no technical system is absolutely safe or against all "hackers" and "tampers" (those who illegally enter to rummage through information), BKHost always strives to take appropriate precautions. appropriate for each characteristic of the information to prevent and minimize possible risks when you use this website.
7. Adjustment of information collected
BKHost will actively or at your request add, correct or delete personal information data that is inaccurate, incomplete or not up to date while you are still associated with our activities.
8. Subject “Minor”
strong>BKHost refuses to serve individuals who are of age Minors (as defined by the local laws in which you live) are not entitled to purchase or otherwise seek to use based on other legal provisions on this website, otherwise with the consent of a parent or legal guardian, unless applicable or permitted by local law.
10. Regulation change
BKHost may change this policy from time to time, including adding, removing part of content or suspending the website without notice. However, if this policy is changed in a way that may be detrimental to you, BKHost will attempt to notify you of the change via the e-mail you provided or on the homepage.
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