BKHOST Private Cloud Service

Provide a dedicated virtual server system using cloud computing technology, ensuring reliability, cost-effectiveness, processing speed and easy scalability.
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What is BKHOST Private Cloud?
Providing a dedicated virtual server system using cloud computing technology, helping businesses solve the problems of cost, deployment and system control.
In the Private Cloud, the resources of the information technology system in the enterprise are shared on the computer server system, helping businesses make the most of these resources, achieving more optimal benefits. .
User with
maximum admin rights
  • BKHOST always grants the highest administrative rights to users while ensuring system principles. A private cloud can only be accessed by a single entity, be it an individual or a business. That unit will have the ability to configure, manage and allocate server resources in a way that best suits the needs of the unit.
System expansion
  • BKHOST always prepares contingency plans to meet the needs of changing service scale of the business. By moving some functions to the public cloud, your private cloud server will free up more space, increasing storage space for more important data.
Various purposes
  • BKHOST's Private Cloud always prioritizes security, controllability, and performance. Private Cloud BKHOST will be suitable for many uses, including: Handling large workloads containing data with high security requirements; manage business-critical applications; ensure data ownership; consolidation and expansion of data centers; application of IT services; testing, testing, development environment and application development; data recovery after disaster.
Various forms of
  • BKHOST can deploy 3 popular Private Cloud models today for customers. Depending on the object and application scale for businesses to choose a reasonable model, including:
  • Private Cloud
  • Private Cloud hybrid with Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud hybrid with physical servers and manage and allocate server resources appropriately depending on the needs of the unit.
Advantages of Private Cloud ?
Some of the best advantages of Private Cloud that BKHOST provides

Frequently asked questions

What is Private Cloud?

Is a new model of IT extremely useful in the field of IT. This model allows the pooling of compute resource components in the data center into a cluster of physical resources, and the customer owns this resource and has the benefits of cloud computing such as:

  • Fast scalability
  • More control

Required components when building a Private Cloud system?

  • Standard data center infrastructure
  • Equipment for calculation and storage
  • Virtualization software

Which Private Cloud model is BKHOST deploying? BKHOST is deploying 3 popular Private Cloud models:

  • Private Cloud stand-alone
  • Private Cloud mix with Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud mix with Dedicated Server

What happens when the Private Cloud system fails in the nodes?

  • First, the central controller will automatically detect the faulty node.
  • Check the integrity of the data on the storage device
  • Automatically move internal virtual servers to active nodes

Which Private Cloud model is BKHOST deploying?

BKHOST is deploying 3 popular Private Cloud models:

  • Private Cloud stand-alone
  • Private Cloud mix with Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud mix with Dedicated Server

What happens when the Private Cloud system fails in the nodes?

  • First, the central controller will automatically detect the faulty node.
  • Check the integrity of the data on the storage device
  • Automatically move internal virtual servers to active nodes

What happens when the Private Cloud system fails in the nodes?

  • First, the central controller will automatically detect the faulty node.
  • Check the integrity of the data on the storage device
  • Automatically move internal virtual servers to active nodes
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